Florida Woman Charged with Killing Kim Kardashian Lookalike

Vivian Alexandra Gomez, a 50-year-old Florida woman, has been charged with involuntary manslaughter and practicing medicine without a license in connection with the death of Christina Ashten Gourkani.

Gourkani, a 44-year-old OnlyFans star and Kim Kardashian-lookalike, died of cardiac arrest in a California hospital after receiving an illicit backroom butt-lift in a Burlingame hotel room.

Gomez was arrested at Fort Lauderdale Airport on April 20, hours after Gourkani's death.

The police reports in the case have been sealed by a judge, but San Mateo County District Attorney Steve Wagstaffe stated that Gourkani hired Gomez to enhance her curves to look more like Kardashian.

Gomez allegedly gave Gourkani "several injections" to further exaggerate her butt, and investigators believe the injections were made with silicone.

Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Obeng warned that such illegal injections pose a significant danger, as they can migrate within the body and lead to infection, hardness, and even necrosis if they enter the bloodstream.

Gourkani's family say they were devastated to receive the phone call about her passing and that she was a loving and free spirit.

Source: NY Post

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