Covering every hamlet and precinct in America, big and small, the stories span arts and sports, business and history, innovation and adventure, generosity and courage, resilience and redemption, faith and love, past and present. In short, Our American Stories tells the story of America to Americans.

About Lee Habeeb

Lee Habeeb co-founded Laura Ingraham’s national radio show in 2001, moved to Salem Media Group in 2008 as Vice President of Content overseeing their nationally syndicated lineup, and launched Our American Stories in 2016. He is a University of Virginia School of Law graduate, and writes a weekly column for Newsweek.

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Why You Wouldn't Have Wanted the Flu in 1918 

One of the Most Decorated Veterans of All Time: The Col. David Hackworth Story

On this episode of Our American Stories, most know the famous line from the film Apocalypse Now, which showed Robert Duvall standing in a bombed-out field saying: “I love the smell of napalm in the morning!” The man who actually said that was Colonel David Hackworth. Here's his story!

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[This Week in History: Scalia Born] The Story of Justice Scalia: From His Immigrant Roots to the Highest Court in the Land

On this episode of Our American Stories, in honor of the late justice's birth, Author James Rosen tells the story of Antonin Scalia's unlikely but inevitable rise to the U.S. Supreme Court. His family, his faith, and his immigrant roots were the drivers. 

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Elizabeth Smith Friedman: The Woman Who Put Cryptography on the Map

On this episode of Our American Stories, Elizabeth Smith Friedman's accomplishments were as many as they were vital to national security—so crucial that it took until the 2000s to declassify what she was doing in WWI and WWII. Hillsdale College student and substitute panelist on Constituting America’s podcast "Constitutional Chats" tells the unknown story of this remarkable decoder. We'd like to thank Constituting America for turning us onto this tale. 

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Dad With Cancer Tells His Kids: “You Are My Best Investments”

On this episode of Our American Stories, storyteller Shiloh Carozza remembers her father in a moving portrait of his love, steadfastness, and faith.

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David McCullough: Why The Men Who Created the Constitution Were Not Soundbite Men with Soundbite Minds

On this episode of Our American Stories, they were serious people undertaking the very serious task of saving the new nation in a stuffy little room in Philadelphia. The late great David McCullough tells this remarkable story at a Constitution Day event at the National Archives in Washington D.C.

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The Man Who Played Boss Hogg Was a Genius and an American Hero?

On this episode of Our American Stories, Boss Hogg, played by long-time actor Sorrell Booke, had a much wider range of skills and talents than the bumbling Boss would have some believe. Here to tell the story is Nick Ragaon, host of the popular YouTube channel, "This Date in History with Nick Ragone."

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Why My Mom Ate Turnips—Even Though She Hated Them

On this episode of Our American Stories, our regular contributor Lorna Jean shares the story of her first Christmas dinner without her dad—and the secret about turnips her mother carried with her for years to not break his heart.

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The Letter Washington Wrote to a Hebrew Congregation That Changed America

On this episode of Our American Stories, Vince Benedetto of Bold Gold Media Group shares the remarkable story of George Washington's letter to a Hebrew congregation in Newport, Rhode Island that laid the groundwork for religious liberty in America.

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The Story of The Horse Racing Buffalo: Harvey Wallbanger

On this episode of Our American Stories, have you ever seen a buffalo race horses and win? Harvey Wallbanger did—and on real racetracks against real racehorses. Francie Berg of Buffalo Tales and Trails tells this remarkable...and wacky story.

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