Visitors in the Florida Keys are being asked to calmly leave in anticipation of Hurricane Dorian. There is no mandatory evacuation of visitors and lodging properties can remain open,
The main concern is possible flooding in low-lying areas in the Upper Keys including the 18-mile Stretch of U.S. 1. Keys officials are also looking at the possibility of fuel, supplies and other services not being able to be delivered from the mainland to the island chain.
Travelers who had plans to come down to the Keys for the holiday weekend are being encouraged to delay their plans until after Dorian has long passed and check with their hotels and airlines to discuss change possible fees.
For those visitors who are unable to leave, they're encouraged to discuss with lodging officials to make sure the facility can safely provide accommodations including food and water.
National Weather Service Florida Keys warning coordination meteorologist Jon Rizzo says the probability for tropical storm winds up to 73 miles-per-hour are 71% for Key Largo, 61% for Marathon and 49% for Key West.