Photo: Scott Olson / Getty Images News / Getty Images
Florida's Marsy’s Law passed in 2018 protects the identities of crime victims, but should shield the identities of cops?
But now the law is also being used to shield the identities of on-duty police officers in use-of-force cases from Tampa to Broward County.
The Marsy's Law for Florida says, "no right is absolute" and that all rights should be weighed and balanced by the courts.
Ten months ago, the Florida Supreme Court heard oral arguments in a case involving two Tallahassee police officers who fatally shot suspects and successfully blocked public release of their names under Marsy's Law.
South Florida PBA president Steadman Stahl says the Tallahassee police officers say were victims of aggravated assault when they encountered the two suspects so their names should be kept confidential.
The court has not yet issued a decision.