Crist Campaign Donates Leftover Funds

Charlie Crist's campaign now says it will donate money left in the former governor's war chest to 20 different Florida-based organizations.

No specific numbers, but a release from the Crist campaign says the funds will be distributed equally to groups ranging from reproductive rights to gun reform.

Crist’s campaign will donate to the following organizations:

Planned Parenthood Action Fund Florida

Ruth’s List Florida

Equality Florida

Florida Immigrant Coalition

Florida Insulin 4 All

Florida State Conference NAACP

Ban Assault Weapons NOW (BAWN)

Florida Rising

Coalition of Immokalee Workers

Mothers Fighting for Justice

Florida Freedom to Read Project

Equal Ground Florida

Florida Black Girls

People Power for Florida

Women’s March Florida

Guatemalan Mayan Center

Floridians for Reproductive Freedom

Senate Victory Fund

House Victory Fund

Municipal Victory Fund

photo: Getty Images

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