Uber driving with DUI history arrested for South Florida hit-and-run crash

Miami, FL - A South Florida Uber driver with a history that includes a DUI conviction has been accused of a DUI hit-and-run crash.

Police say 41-year-old Alexis Toro, who was charged with a DUI in 2009, was drunk when he crashed his car around 12:30 a.m. Wednesday morning near the headquarters of the Sunny Isles Police Department.

According to authorities, a passenger in the car Toro struck was seriously injured in the crash after they were ejected from the car.

Toro fled the scene following the crash.

When officers caught up to Toro a block away, he had “slurred speech” and was having difficulty “standing on his feet.”

Officers also reported that Toro reeked of alcohol and there was a container of vodka in the vehicle, however the department didn’t have a police officer certified on field sobriety tests available to perform a test.

A spokesperson for Uber says Toro was not working for the ride-sharing service at the time of the crash.

Toro is facing a charge of leaving the scene of a crash involving serious bodily injury.

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