West Klosterman Preserve Future in Doubt

A Ron DeSantis veto has a Pinellas County environmental group scrambling to save a 14-acre plot of forest land from developers.

The West Klosterman Preservation Group has raised $436 thousand on its own, and *thought* it had $3 million from the state to acquire the property from the school district, but the governor vetoed the expenditure. "We had an appropriation for $3 million," said the Preservation Group's Kay Carter. "and we found out last Thursday that Governor DeSantis line-item vetoed that. So we thought we had raised the money, we thought we had done the job."

Kay Carter said the group now has just over three weeks to raise $2.7 million needed to purchase the land. A development group is said to be ready to step in to buy the Preserve and build condos.

photo: Getty Images

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