For most people, the Strawberry Festival is about Strawberry Shortcake & the great entertainment.
But not for me.... oh no... there's MORE.
Although, I do love me some Strawberry Shortcake... I have learned that you can get that almost anytime at Parksdale in Plant City .
I know, I know... It's not the same. But last year, I found something Brand New.. or at least new to me. And that something was the absolutely delectable SWEETHEART DONUT made by Peachey's Baking Co. (formerly The Amish Baking Company). When I say this donut was life changing, I genuinely mean it CHANGED MY LIFE.
I have literally counted the days down until this years Strawberry Festival just so I can get my hands on another donut.
For the record, I can't get these just anytime. They are only available for the days of the Strawberry Festival and then they are GONE for another year.
It is everything I have ever wanted, but didn't know that I wanted.
It is a FRESH (and HUGE) Amish Donut, covered in a warm chocolate drizzle, topped with Fresh Strawberries & Whipped Cream.
If you are heading to the Strawberry Festival this week and you love sweets like me... You've GOT to snag yourself one of these!
Do you have another Strawberry Festival Favorite? What are they?