WEBB’s WORLD 6/21/17
They just never seem to go away. One of the most political Attorney General’s in our history is Eric Holder. Holder has been out of sight since resigning his post a little more than 2 years ago.
Now Holder has resurfaced, showing ambition to lead the anti- Trump resistance, in fact he might even run against the president in 2020.
Eric Holder kept the lid on a lot of Obama scandals, namely Fast n Furious. Illegal guns were being run into Mexico, in an effort to show that gun control was needed to curb the violence coming from Mexican drug cartels. Those weapons resulted in a Border Patrol agent’s death..
He refused to prosecute Black Panthers who threatened voters in the Philadelphia area in 2012. The Panthers sported weapons and were harassing voters as they approached their polling place. Nothing to see here said Holder, as he dismissed any potential charges.
His Justice Department constantly ruled against local police departments, accusing everyone of racism. It was always the cop’s fault.
This can’t be the best the Democrat Party has to offer? Go away Eric Holder, go write a book, try skydiving, but please leave us alone!
That’s How I see it!