WEBB’s WORLD 6/7/17
A 25 year old Federal contractor is in deep trouble for leaking sensitive classified NSA information to the media.
She is quite the lady. She is self-described in her Facebook page as leaning left, an ardent supporter of Bernie Sanders, a climate change activist, hates Donald Trump and is a supporter of the Iran.
Now I ask you, how the hell did this woman get a security clearance?
Reality Leigh Winter was arrested in Georgia this weekend. She admitted to printing and improperly removing classified intelligence, and sending it to the media.
She was the source of information for The Intercept, a far left publication that supports Edward Snowden.
Have we softened the background checks we do before giving someone a security clearance? I ask you again, how did this woman get clearance. A quick scan of her social media pages tells you all you need to know about today’s applicants.
Here’s praying we don’t get another leaker soon. These people have put their politics above national security.
Reality Leigh Winter should do some hard time in prison with no chance of parole like Bradley Manning got from Obama.
These are sworn enemies of the state
That’s How I see it!