WEBB’s WORLD 5/3/17
Stephanie Rawlings-Blake was Mayor of Baltimore when Freddy Gray died in police custody. She aligned herself with Grays family, even paying a huge settlement. She opposed the police to the point she invited the Justice Department to come to Baltimore. They of course found the police department was too aggressive in their incarcerating black defendants and issued some guidelines for the city to follow.
Speed the clock up to 2017, Rawlings-Blake is out of office and her successor has now invited the FBI to Baltimore to help curb the rampant murder rate that has happened since Cops became scared to do their jobs for fear of being busted and lose their careers. Six were prosecuted for murder in the Freddie Gray case; all walked. Charges were dropped by the judges and District Attorney Marilynn Mosby has been sued for malicious prosecution.
Murder is out of control in Baltimore, and we have to lay that at the feet of Barack Obama’s Justice Department, who so many times villainized the cops before verdicts were returned.
The city is now paying the price for political correctness. The bad guys knew they had the upper hand. I still remember during the riots the Mayor told the cops to stand down, and let the rioters get it out of their system. Well, I guess they never did get it out of their systems, they just viewed it as a green light to be as bad as they could be. And they are bad. Baltimore is in need of a legal enema.
That’s How I see it!