Libby Turns 10

Libby The Dog

Tampa, Fla.-(12/6/2018)-Libby the dog is turning ten this month.  It's a real milestone for a dog the vet called a "genetic freak."

Libby is a rescue dog we got from the Humane Society when she was just a pup.  It was just a week after the big adoption that we found out that Libby had hook worms.  We thought it was going to be all good after treating that condition.

A few years later we found out that Libby had joint problems.  Bad hips, back and more.  The Doc said to treat her well as she'd probably only live till about eight.

I guess we've been very good to the dog.  We have to buy prescription dog anti-inflammation medicine, Glucosamine-Chondrotin tablets and more to keep her going. It's not a cheap thing.  Maybe we should have purchased doggie health insurance.

No dog abuse here. In fact, I think we're being abused by Libby.  The medicine she's on makes her want to go outside much more than normal.  Sometimes she just has to let go. We're also supposed to give her back rubs. I don't even get those after a hard ride on the Harley.

Excuse me.  I've got to go Christmas shopping for Libby now.

Photo by Tattoo Lady    

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