Clearwater Looks for Input On the Streets

CLEARWATER (970 WFLA) -- If you live in Clearwater, or if you drive, walk or bike on the streets of Clearwater, the city wants to know what you think the big transportation issues are, around town AND on the neighborhood level. 

Senior transportation planner Richard Hartman says the online survey has a map, and you can zoom in to flag a street that needs a sidewalk... or a lower speed limit... or a fix for a bottleneck. 

"We want them to zoom in and... put a marker about what the type of issue is... a close as they can (on the map)," Hartman said. 

Hartman insists they're not just focusing on major arteries but want input on the smaller streets in neighborhoods. 

The survey also asks you what you think Clearwater's traffic priorities should be. It's open to anyone who lives or travels through Clearwater... and you may take it on your computer or phone, anytime before November 26th.


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