Computer Troubles Sideline Reporter

Computer and modem

Tampa, Fla.-(8/28/2018)-I've been out of commission on my blog page thanks to cable company problems.  I won't mention which cable company I have, but it took me almost a month to resolve my situation.

It all started when my email stopped working.  I tried everything I knew and everything all my friends told me to do. NOTHING WORKED! I get bills and a lot of other semi important stuff through the email, so the interruption was a pain. I couldn't even get online.

I finally broke down and called the cable company.  They walked me through how to fix the problem. Nope, no worky again.

I called in my computer expert daughter.  She tried and couldn't make it work. The cable company finally sent over a repairman. Nope, it wasn't Larry, but he was just about as effective. He said it wasn't a bad modem, but that my computer was bad. 

I admit my computer was not the best and was getting a little outdated.  I broke the bank and got a new computer. It was money I could have used for beer or something new for my Harley.

I got home and hooked her up.  Still no email. I called the cable folks again.  They said my modem was bad.  I was told to drive over 20 miles to the nearest cable store and swap out the modem.  The lady said Larry should have swapped out the modem instead of telling me it was my computer.

I hooked up the new modem and the email returned, minus my address book. I noticed a little later that my phone had stopped working. Had to call the cable company yet again, but they got that issue resolved within an hour or so.

I guess all is well that ends well.  At least I got a new computer that I really didn't need.  Thanks Larry!

Photo by Tattoo Lady

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