A Cold Start To 2018

Cold day in a Fla swamp

Tampa, Fla.-(1/3/2018)-BBBRRRRRRR!!! Is this really Florida? I thought I'd gone back in time and was in Ohio when I ushered in 2018. New Year's Day was rainy, windy and cold. It was not a good day to have Tampa's Outback Bowl televised around the nation..

Look at the photo of my Florida swamp on a gray, rainy and cold day.  Even my dog had to be covered with a blanket to stay warm.  I can't wait to get my power bill.  Yes, we used the heater.

Libby keeping warm during Fla. cold snapNot only was it a cold start to 2018, but it's sticking around all week long.  I hope you didn't have the week off to go to the beach.

Not only is the cold bad for tourism, it's bad for those of us who tossed the snow shovels away years ago and moved here.  

While I'm shivering, Tattoo Lady is diggin' the whole cold weather thing.  She actually asked me if we could drive to North Florida and see snow and freezing rain. You might think she is out of her mind, but she was raised in the mountains of Colorado.

I'm hoping that 2018 is a little like March. You know, in like a lion and out like a lamb.  Maybe the rough weather start will give way to a mild Atlantic Hurricane Season.

Happy New Year.

Photos by Tattoo Lady

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