Grandma's Christmas Cookies

Tattoo Lady's fruitcake cookies

Tampa, Florida-(12/17/2017)-Tattoo Lady likes to bake and she has quite the collection of cookbooks and some recipes jotted down on cards, papers and envelopes. She hit the jackpot the other day and found my Grandma's Christmas fruitcake cookie recipe.

It was actually in grandma's handwriting on an old and yellowed index card. It was like a message from above to make a batch of the cookies. Tattoo Lady followed the recipe word for word and the cookies came out a little flat.

Since she bakes for a living, Tattoo Lady did a few slight modifications to the mixture and they came out great. Just in time for Christmas. My grandmother would approve.

I wanted to share the recipe with you, but T.L. wants to keep it in the family.  Don't tell her this, but I believe you could probably get something very close to Grandma's Christmas cookie recipe online.

Hope your home is filled with the aroma of holiday baking.  It's one of the great things of the season. 

Photo by Tattoo Lady

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