Three At A Time

Graphic showing three major hurricanes at the same time in September of 2017

Tampa, Fla.-(9/13/2017)-I saved this graphic from the National Hurricane Center to show three hurricanes blowing around at the same time.  It's kind of scary to see three of these big storms when you live on the large sandbar that is Florida.

Florida looks like a bowling pin with a lot of bowling balls headed toward the state. WOW! It makes you want to move to Minnesota.

Turns out that all three of the hurricanes on the graphic grew into major hurricanes.  Two of the hurricanes missed us, but Irma ripped through the islands, the Florida Keys, ripped past Naples and on up the state.  The Tampa Bay area took a direct hit, but it could have been worse.

My neighborhood is close to where the eye wall passed. It looked like a battle zone when daylight finally came.  I had sandbagged the house and my family survived.

Best of luck If you had damage or lost power, but we're not out of the woods yet.  We still have a lot of the Atlantic Hurricane Season remaining.  Irma hit Florida on the day that is only the peak of the season.

Graphic courtesy National Hurricane Center

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