Riverview Church Defaced With Hate Symbols

Defaced Church

RIVERVIEW, Fla. (970 WFLA) - A church has been vandalized with graffiti featuring racist and satanic symbols.

Members of Christ the King Lutheran church on Big Bend Road discovered spray painted swastikas, pentagrams, and references to the Columbine massacre in the parking lot and on the sides of the building.

“You can see some of the things here, but some of the other things were very explicit. Words about God. Words about Jesus. And it hurts. Hurts when someone’s touching your faith,” said Pastor Kevin Yoakum.

“I don’t know how it would make them feel better to make everybody else look worse by them doing this,” Yoakum said.

The church has about 130 members, and many said they would bring a can of paint to help cover up the hate symbols.

The Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office, which is investigating the crime, said its rapid response team would also help in the cleanup.

photo credit: WFLA-TV

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