VIDEO: Tampa Bay Pediatric ER Doctor Goes Viral with Grill Brush Warning

Ryan Gorman and Dana McKay spoke with Dr. Meghan Martin, the pediatric emergency room physician who went viral on TikTok after posting a video about a patient's mystery ear pain. After multiple exams and tests, she and her team discovered the source of his pain - a wire from a grill brush had become lodged behind his tonsil.

The 4-year-old boy had been eating a hamburger shortly before telling his parents that his ear hurt. Once she saw the wire on the scan, Dr. Martin realized it must have come from a wire grill brush. The wires can come off and end up in the meat that's on the grill.

She shared the story, and a warning about wire grill brushes, on TikTok.

The video has gone viral, and is now up to over 36 million views.

We talked to her about the case, her job as a pediatric emergency room doctor, and what the experience of going viral has been like.

If you haven't seen her viral video, here it is.

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