Floridians Set to Shop for Tax Free Tools

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Florida’s first “tool time” sales-tax holiday on tools and other home-repair and construction items will kick off during the Labor Day weekend.

The seven-day holiday will allow shoppers to avoid paying sales taxes on numerous home-repair and construction items from Saturday through September 9th.

Some of the purchases exempt from sales taxes during the tool-time holiday include power tools and toolboxes for vehicles that cost 300 dollars or less, work boots that cost 175 dollars or less, toolboxes that cost 75 dollars or less and work gloves that cost 25 dollars or less.

Scott Shalley is the president of the Florida Retail Federation and says,

“It's just to give a boost to our skilled workers. They, obviously, do a great deal for Floridians. The Legislature and the governor had a lot of insight to say, ‘Let’s give them a break around Labor Day here.’ I think it’s a great time, particularly with the inflationary pressures we are seeing right now.”

The tax holiday is part of a package which Governor Ron DeSantis signed in May.

State economists have projected the tool-time holiday will reduce state revenue by 9.6 million dollars and local revenue by 2.8 million dollars.

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