WATCH: Trump Refers To Himself As The "45th And 47th" President Of The U.S.

Photo: Getty Images North America

Former President Donald Trump hasn't made any definitive announcements about his future plans, but could a social media post this week be a clue?

There has been no shortage of people asking Trump whether he plans to run for President again in 2024 and one response he's given on more than one occasion is a derivation of "I think you'll be happy." That answer was given to people like Sean Hannity and others who are strong supporters of the former president.

In a video shared on Instagram this week, Trump is in the middle of a golf game and references being "the 45th and 47th" president of the United States.

Was he joking or sharing a hint about his plans?

The person who recorded the video can be heard mentioning that they are at Trump National, which is a golf course in Jupiter. It's just a short drive away from Mar-a-Lago.

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