Municipal Law Expert Says Vaccine Passport Ban Doesn't Affect Employers

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Elected officials in Florida are discussing vaccine mandates on back of the governor's threats to impose fines on cities and counties that impose them on employees.

Municipal law consultant Claudia McKenna, a former West Palm Beach city attorney, says state law allows public employers to mandate testing.

"I think the conversation should always be focused on COVID-19 screening protocols and then build into it whatever it is that you want to do as it relates to vaccines."

The idea is to allow workers to show proof of vaccination as a way of getting out of weekly COVID testing.

While the governor says the law against so-called "vaccine passports" covers public employers, McKenna says that's not consistent with the language of the law. But she says COVID-19 screening protocols are "expressly allowed by the legislation."

One thing that is in the law, SB-2006, businesses and government entities that demand proof of vaccinations by customers or others trying to do business with that entity can face $5,000 fines per violation, beginning now.

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