Val Demings, 'Science Guy' discuss threat of climate change during hearing

It's a hot topic in the Sunshine State. Climate change was the subject of a Congressional hearing Tuesday chaired by Orlando Congresswoman Val Demings--

"In my home state of Florida policymakers must grapple with the challenge of a longer and more intensified hurricane season," Demings said. "Sea level rise continues to impact our coastal communities."

Bill Nye the 'Science Guy' testified that global warming will only get worse unless we stop putting greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

"In Florida we have a problem where water is coming over the shore," Nye said. "As the ocean gets warmer, it gets bigger. This is what causes sea level rise."

Nye said we need the same commitment to fighting climate change that we had in defeating Germany in World War 2.

"Everybody in the country was involved in solving this global problem," Nye said. "Everybody was on it."

"What I loved so much about what you just said though," Demings responded. "Everybody cared about it. This was not a Republican issue or a Democratic issue."

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