5 Ways To Start Your Week On A Positive Note

For most, Mondays aren't the top favorite day of the week. But it should be like that! It's the start of a brand new week! Here are a few ways you can kickstart your week on a positive note!

1. Eat A Strong Breakfast

I know, this sounds so obvious and simple, but so many people DON'T do this. Having a hearty breakfast is the best way to start any day, but especially the beginning of your week. Even if you have to wake up a few moments earlier, you will be glad your did. It is the way to kickstart your brain and get things rolling! Don't underestimate the power of a good breakfast!

2. Use A Planner/Calendar

If you don't already have a planner, we highly recommend getting one. At the start of each week, write down your goals for the entire week. If you have daily goals, write those down too.

We find this helps get you motivated and definitely stay more organized. Rather than have everything in your brain you need to get done for the week and stressing out, you'll have it written down and you will be more motivated to check things off of your to-do list.

3. Do Something Kind For Someone Else

This can be as little as giving someone a compliment and tell them they look nice, or something like buying a coffee or breakfast for the person behind you in line.

The smallest thing can create a cycle of kindness and can mean so much to someone. It will not only have YOU feeling good, but so many other people can smile because of the kindness you chose to have with someone else. Happiness and kindness spirals, and it's just an overall good way to start your week. And takes no more than a second to do.

4. Plan Your Clothes The Night Before

You can do this for a single day, or even for the entire week, depending on how much time you'd like to spend on this task. You will save time and energy the next morning and you will be grateful to have that off of your plate.

Have them out somewhere that is easy for you on following morning when getting ready for your day. This will also help ensure that everything you need to get ready is clean and in the condition you need it to be. DRESS TO IMPRESS

5. Drink A Glass Of Water When You First Wake Up

Drinking a glass (16oz) of water right after you wake up is beneficial for several reasons. For one, it kick starts your metabolism. It gives your brain the fuel it needs for the day and flushes out any toxins you may have in your body.

Think, you were just asleep for 6-8 hours. You went all that time without drinking anything. Your body needs it. You will feel hydrated and much more awake after doing this simple task.

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