FPL Shares Tips On Hurricane Prep & What They're Doing To Be Ready

With Hurricane Dorian taking aim on our state, Florida Power and Light is on standby.

"We have activated our emergency response plans and we're ready. And we hope that our customers are also prepared for the storm."

FPL spokesperson Marie Bertot says 5,000 workers are in place and ready to go when needed.

"These are our crews that are in place right now that have already been activated to get ready for the storm."

Among the things that you can do to be prepared for a power outage, she says turn your thermostat as low as possible about 48 hours before the storm hits so your home stays cooler longer. Also, make your refrigerator cooler ahead of an outage.

Bertot says if you have a loved one on dialysis, make arrangements immediately.

"If you're relying on electricity for medical equipment, you should have a backup power generation or a plan to evacuate and you need to take that very seriously. And that plan should be in place now."

As for the steps that FPL is taking ahead of the storm.

"We're compiling and pre-staging equipment. This includes miles of power lines and transformers."

In the meantime, she says residents should be thinking about what they would do if they are left without power for a long period of time.

Among those things you can do is to have plenty of non-perishable food items and water as well as a battery powered fan.

Photo: Getty Images

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