Major Health Care Legislation Heads To Governor DeSantis For Approval

On Monday, the Florida Legislature approved eliminating the “certificate-of-need” regulatory program for hospitals. A high-profile measure aimed at importing prescription drugs from Canada was also passed, as was a measure involving online healthcare services.

The House voted 81-34 to pass an elimination of the certificate-of-need program, just hours after the Senate passed the bill in a 23-17 vote. The bill was a priority for House Speaker Jose Olivia, R-Miami Lakes, in his hopes to revamp the health-care system.

The bill will eliminate CON regulations for new general hospitals, as well as “tertiary” health care services. Under longstanding regulations, hospitals needed to receive certificates-of-need from the state Agency for Health Care Administration before building new facilities or providing any tertiary services.

Now the bill is headed for Gov. Ron DeSantis. If he signs it, the CON repeal will take effect July 1st for general hospitals, and would eliminate certificates-of-need for specialty hospitals in 2021. Through the bill, certificates-of-need will still be required for nursing homes, hospice and intermediate care for the developmentally disabled.

The House and Senate also approved legislation aimed at importing lower-cost prescription drugs from Canada. This bill is a priority of Gov. DeSantis, and although importation programs still require approval from the federal government, the bill passed Monday gives Florida official’s the ability to seek approval.

The House voted to pass the bill 93-20, after the Senate approved it earlier in the day in a 27-13 vote.

The House and Senate also signed off on a bill that establishes regulatory framework for “telehealth” in Florida. Telehealth (or telemedicine) diagnoses and provides health-care services to patients entirely through the Internet.

The bill allows insurance companies and HMOs to use out-of-state physicians as long as they register with the state. It also regulates payment for services rendered online.

Ryan Gorman spoke with Politico FL health care reporter Alexandra Glorioso to discuss the legislation passed by the FL House and Senate. You can listen to the podcast of the interview below.

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