Local Man In Need Of Assistance After Wife's Car Accident

Man In Need Of Assistance After Wife's Car Accident

A local Tampa man who asked to keep his name disclosed is need of assistance after his wife was involved with a severe car accident.

The woman's Mazda Miata slammed into a truck that was at a dead stop in the middle of Paul Buchman Highway in Plant City.

Thankfully his wife survived the wreck but suffered severe injuries.

Since the accident, she's gotten a new job and is on medication that is slowly bringing her back to her usual self.

Unfortunately, after an accident like that as one could imagine the medical bills began to rack up very quickly.

They are fighting battling with the insurance company to cover the medication she is on, and it's a new drug that with no insurance is $35.00 a pill.

Walgreen's Pharmacy has been working with them to get some of the cost down, but with the new medication it still adds up to about $1050.00 for a thirty day supply of her new medication.

Unfortunately, because of her injuries and subsequent job loss when the accident happened, they are close to being evicted from their home.

If any organizations or individuals that could reach out to the family that might be able to provide some help with the family's rent / expenses due to the incident this family experienced, please contact the information below.

Contact 813-395-2585 or by email at gandalf9796@gmail.com

Here are some photo's of the night of the accident.

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