Don't Fall For This Scam

Receiving a piece of junk mail is usually easy to spot, but after News Radio WFLA got a letter that looks like a bill from Domain Listing LLC this week, you may want to check the legitimately of this company first before paying anything.

A piece of mail that looks like a bill claims that if you pay $228, your company will enhance its exposure online and ultimately bringing up your websites search engine optimization (SEO).

What seems like it would be a necessity for someone that owns a website with a lot web of traffic has very little credibility.

After some investigating online and finding several sources that believe it's a scam as well, I decided to give the company a call.

Even after calling the number provided on the piece of mail there was not much to go off of even by asking several questions which all lead back to the same answer to help your websites search engine optimization (SEO) by being on this list on their site online.

If you have ever received this in the mail, I would recommend calling the company and not sending in any credit card information through the mail without adequately understanding what exactly you'd be paying for in detail.

Here is the front of the mail.

Here is the back.

Also, click here to see others stories that have had similar complaints about Domain Listing LLC to the Better Business Bureau.

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