Florida Heart Attack Survivor Meets the man who Saved his life

PALM BAY (WFLA News) -- A man suffers a massive heart attack at a gym in central Florida... and survives... because the man working out next to him knew CPR. Now he gets to meet the man who saved his life.

Several months ago, Mike Dubois collapsed at a Planet Fitness in Palm Bay and doctors say he would have died, if Sam Palacio hadn't jumped in and performed chest compressions while waiting for paramedics. Dubois had 100 percent blockage in an artery... a condition commonly called a "widowmaker."

How Dubois found Palacio is a story of its own. He looked for his rescuer for months... it turns out his best friend, Richard Hood, is a blood donor and told the story to Palacio, who works at One Blood blood bank. Palacio realized he was the good Samaritan and Dubois' friend introduced them and they reunited last week.

Palacio was trained in CPR when he started working at the blood bank.

(Photos and video courtesy OneBlood)(from L to R: Sam Palacio, Richard Hood, Mike Dubois)

Sam Palacio, Richard Hood, Mike DuBois

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