Citywide Tampa Under Precautionary Boil Water Notice In Effect Immediately

Tampa, Fl. (Florida News Network)- A citywide precautionary boil water notice is in effect after a third-party performing work in the area hit a transmission main coming from the David L. Tippin Water Treatment Facility.

Parts of the system are currently experiencing lower pressure as a result. Tampa Water Department crews are working at stabilizing the water pressure so they can begin work on effecting an eventual repair.

Residents are advised to take the following precautions to disinfect tap water to kill any bacteria or viruses that may have entered the water. Water can be disinfected by any one of the following methods:

• Bring the water to a rolling boil and holding it there for one minute. Aerate the boiled water by pouring it from one container to another several times to improve the "flat" taste left by boiling, then refrigerate for best results.

• Use bleach if you cannot boil your water. Add eight drops (about 1/8th teaspoon) of bleach for one gallon of tap water, shake, then let stand for 30 minutes before drinking. Use food grade containers and unscented common household bleach that has 5% to 6% active ingredients. If the water is cloudy, use16 drops, about ¼ teaspoon of bleach instead of 8. There should be a slight chlorine odor.

• Use water purification tables or iodine that many sports and camping stores sell.

Parts of the system are currently experiencing lower pressure as a result. Tampa Water Department crews are working at stabilizing the water pressure so they can begin work on effecting an eventual repair.

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